Friday, November 25, 2011

The Finer Points Of Sadism

Origins: The Finer Points Of Sadism (FPS), is an Experimental Electronic duo from Boise, Idaho, USA, consisting of husband and wife musicians, Jacobb T. Sackett, 25, & Ashley Sackett, 24. Jacobb and Ashley have been playing music together for nearly a decade, going all the way back to their early high school days in mid-2002 when they met. Both played music since early pre-teens, Jacobb originally in percussion and guitar, Ashley originally in orchestra music and bass guitar. Together, they formed FPS originally as an Experimental side project to their New Wavish/Old School Punk band they had at the time. After that band fizzled in late 2009, FPS became a full time project, with Jacobb and Ashley spending most of 2010 collecting new instruments that would eventually be used for their first official album release, "Deliberately".

Influences and Sound: FPS's experimental sound direction truly became clear in 2010 following a near death experience with audio heard and visions seen while in a near death state. This experience was a large inspiration, and this was combined with FPS's love of their biggest influential groups of all time, most notably: Throbbing Gristle, Wall Of Voodoo, Psychic TV, Swans, Joy Division, Bauhaus, The Cramps, Devo, etc. These combinations make for genre spanning and evil sounding audio. Elements of Post Punk, Circuit Bending, Field Recordings, Industrial, and Synth Punk all can be heard in FPS's music. FPS uses only analog instruments and mixing equipment, some vintage, some modern, none digital. No digital fx or programming/mixing is used on any FPS material. This is to preserve the goal of the sound for this project.

Equipment: As mentioned above, FPS uses a multitude of instruments to drive the heart of their music, including vintage synthesizers, circuit bent electronics, an altered Atari 2600 for unique beats and synth sequences, as well as 8bit synth, space/tape echo, Ace and Univox rhythm/drum machines, field recordings, cassette experimentation, and altered guitars and guitar fx.
The Finer Points Of Sadism:
Jacobb T. Sackett - Vocals, Guitar, Synthesizers, Atari, Tapes, Rhythms/Drums, Sounds, and FX.
Ashley Sackett - Bass, Synthesizers, Steel Guitar, Circuit Bent items, FX, and all artwor

Monday, November 14, 2011

FPS And Things

FPS The Finer Points Of Sadism. The band best listened to during tragedies, where their craziness makes yours sensible. Music inspired by a near death experience, a near suicide. Four hours in the desert, Jacobb was there, no cars, no people around. Swallowed a whole bottle of alprazolam 0.5 mg, around 40 pills (I was doing 60 day prescriptions), sat down off the road a ways, in a concrete clearing. Saw things I can remember, some things I can't. What I did see, was of course, piss my pants frightening. I also remembered the head zaps, as I called them, and the low frequency noises raising in pitch during my stay in the desert. After a negotiator got a hold of me on my cell phone, he told me to drive a few miles down the road into a small town where they could find me, as they had no idea where I was nor could ping my phone. Following the recovery from that incident, the majority of FPS's songs were written very quickly and the concept and direction for our music was clear. Doing this years prior to this incident my focus in the music had not been clear, but this set FPS's record straight.